Massage therapy is beneficial no matter what type of horse you have or what your discipline. From trail riding to competing, ALL horses can benefit from massage as a part of the overall wellness program.
Some of the benefits of massage are:
Increased circulation throughout the body
Rids muscles of lactic acid & toxins, which helps prevent soreness & therefore injury
Increases flexibility & range of motion for better performance
Relaxes the entire muscular system, which is the main support for the skeleton or bones
Improves soundness
Helps prevent injuries
Decreases swelling
Assists in recovery from injury & illness
Helps repair muscle injuries
Improves overall health
Massage therapy can be one of the best additions to your total health care for your horse at a reasonable cost. It can be performed at our location, your location, a horse show or event.
Treatments are customized to your horse's needs. Pre & Post event therapies are briefer and typically used prior to & after a competition. Therapeutic massage is a more involved treatment typically taking from 45 to 90 minutes depending on the needs of the individual horse. We also teach owners/caretakers exercises & techniques to support between massages.
Claudia Meyer & "Cabochon"
Nutrition Consultation
As a holistic animal nutrition specialist for over 22 years I am available to assist you with your feed and nutrition choices for your individual horse or entire stable. I will help you wade through the details on a nutrition labels also taking into consideration any health issues so you can make your best choices for your horses. We are available via phone and email for consultation.
What's wrong with this picture?!
Saddle Fit Many of the issues we encounter with training and riding our horses are related to our saddles. When body weight is added to the saddle on the horse's back, any "fit" issues will be emphasized. Often an "ill fitting" saddle is at the root of bucking, spooking, rearing and numerous other training issues. When a horse is in pain, he will not want to do his "job", whatever that is. There can be pressure points throughout the saddle as well as having the "tree" too large or too small for that horse. Most people don't even realize the importance of the saddle being comfortable on the horse. Some try to make up for a "bad" fit with saddle pads and occasionally that can help temporarily, however, pads cannot make a bad fit a good fit.
Products, statements, services & techniques are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease nor are they intended as a substitute for medical or veterinary care. They are dietary supplements or for informational purposes only.
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